Like Angela Davis said, "In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist."
Education and greater self-awareness are foundational for change. To dismantle the constructs of white supremacy in service of true racial justice and equity takes education, self-awareness, courage, and a fierce heart. There is much to notice, learn and unlearn.
Members of the book club will read books across genres that explore issues of race in America as a means of better understanding ourselves, our history, and our community. This work will extend beyond knowledge into relationships, practice, accountability, self-study, conscious action, and activism.
- In July and August, we will read and unpack The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias by Dolly Chugh
- Then, in September and October we will explore The Inner Work of Racial Justice Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness by Rhonda Magee
- And finally, in November and December, we will unpack White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
We really feel like these three books, in this specific order, will build upon each other and facilitate the groundwork for 6 powerful months of study, self-inquiry, community building, conversation and conscious action. We really hope that you will join us in exploring all 3 titles!
You will be provided with:
- suggested reading for the week
- reflection questions and activities from each chapter for integration
- zoom discussion groups 2 x each month
- additional anti-racism resources and content
We hope that you will join us in exploring all 3 titles! Please reach out with any questions at all and feel free to share with like-minded friends.
You will have the option to enroll for FREE or add a donation $$ of your choice to support the book club.
As you can imagine, there is a ton of behind the scenes work to make this book club possible and to support the 60+ participants who are already enrolled.
We have been busy taking anti-racism training and meeting with mentors and developing reflection content and resources to support you. There will also be significant ongoing work sending out weekly reflection content, maintaining the member portal, hosting 12+ zoom calls, and providing email support.
If you have the means, please consider donating $25-$150 for the six months of the book club to help sustain these efforts. Your financial contribution will help pay for technology, further training, administration, and allow us to pay our mentors for their wisdom and guidance.
Any additional funding raised will be used to support BLM organizations and initiatives, and we will share all donations made possible with you all!
Your Instructor

Course Curriculum
StartLive Meeting Log-Ins
StartReading Assignments by Week
StartWeek 1: Preface, Forward and Introduction
StartWeek 2: Chapters 1 & 2
StartWeek 3: Chapter 3
StartWeek 4: Chapter 4 & 5
StartWeek 5: Chapter 6 & 7
StartWeek 6: Chapter 8 & 9
StartWeek 7: Chapter 10 & 11
StartWeek 8: Assimilation